EdigiBrands – Lead Generation Company

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Lead Generation Companies

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What is Lead?

Friends, today’s lead generation is such a mainstream business in which different types of marketing companies are provided with a targeted audience, which they can all use for marketing their product. And you can use lead generation to sell out your product and increase the reach of your brand. 

Lead generation is very broad in itself, but still today we will know what lead is.A lead is a targeted audience that is targeted and selected through a core process.

Such a selection of the target audience is done according to a certain parameter, in which information is taken about all the habits of the group of any partisan audience, and then different types of people are placed in a certain order, in which People with similar habits are placed in a category of a similar order, so that is how they can be used as a lead. And the information of all those people is stored in a database and leads are created through this process.

In general, if we talk about internet marketing, there are mainly two types of leads – which are called B2B leads and B2C leads.

What is B2B Lead?

The full form of B2B lead is business-to-business lead. That is, that targeted audience who buys or sells their product through offline platforms without deciding to buy or sell any product on the online platform, then it is called B2B lead. That is those leaders who believe in business-to-business interaction.


What is B2C Lead?

The full name of the B2C Lead is Business to Customer Lead.

Those people who believe in selling and purchasing business-to-customer products are called business-to-customer leads. In general, language, if we want to understand it, then if there is a person who likes to buy a product online, but he can buy the online product by being influenced by any social media platform, then such lead is called B2C lead.


We can make it even simpler. For example, if a customer can take the decision to purchase the goods he needs directly with the help of business or can take the decision to buy a product on any online platform, then it is called B2C lead.


What is lead generation?

The definition of lead generation itself is very simple. If we want to define lead generation in some definition, then we can say that a process with the help of which leads are generated or leads are created, then that whole process is called lead generation.


For example, if we want to create a lead of people who like to buy apples and walk around the market, we will take such an opinion from different types of people, under which we will find out which type of fruit people like to eat, and what is included in their habits. And also provide different types of options to all those people so that they do not know what type of leads we want to generate. A quality lead can be created on this occasion.


Even after this, high-quality leads are put into a database that is successful in processing their information sheets. And by processing her information sheet, she provides us the names of those people who like to buy Apples and like to roam in the market.


This whole process is called lead generation. And leads are created through lead generation.

Why does Lead Generation need of this hour?

Lead generation is such a technological advantage, with the help of which Internet marketers save 100 days of hard work, and they get the fruits of all their hard work. Today, big companies give priority to lead generation, because lead generation is one of the most reliable methods with the help of which the target audience can be selected, and with the help of this, the reach of any product is easily accessible to the general public. 

Today’s time has some important need of lead generation, such as-

  • Providing Targeted Audiences to Internet Marketers,
  • Creating factual leads through opinion polls,
  • Harmonizing a comprehensive and reliable business,
  • To deepen the reach of business and products among the general public,
  • Providing long term customer service,
  • Providing a special group of people to each company to sell their favorite product with the help of Business to Customer or Business to Business Lead.
  • With the help of lead generation, any business can be taken to new heights.
  • Just as search engine optimization keywords work for an internet blog, lead generation works for product marketing.

best lead generation companies in India

Today, many companies provide lead generation service to every big business, and with their help, marketing agencies of big companies are easy select the targeted audience. But do you know which the top ten lead generation companies in India are? So let’s know-


1.Transformative Digital Customer Experience

This company is also known as TDCX, more than 10,000 employees work in this company and its headquarter is located in Madhapur. And its minimum project size is more than $100,000.

2.MattsenKumar LLC

The headquarter of this lead generation company is located in Gurugram and more than 700 employees work in it. And its minimum project size is 1000 dollars.

3.Fusion BPO Services

Fusion BPO Services generally works in more than 40 Indian languages and it is based in Calcutta this company takes a minimum project of at least 5000 dollars.

4.Flatworld Solutions

Flatworld Solutions This is an ISO certified global company and its minimum project is 1000 dollars and more than 800 workers work inside this company. And it also works for 25 dollars/hour.


EdigiBrands has worked with more than 100 big companies in its 5 years till date and has provided their lead generation services to them. More than 50 employees work in this company.



Go4Customers is our company located in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, and its minimum project work is at least 1000 dollars.


Invensis has been approved by more than 500 big organizations all over the world and they also get projects of at least 1000 dollars this company is also a company based in Bangalore, India.

8.Unee Solutions

Unee Solutions has been approved by more than 100 big organizations all over the world and they also get projects of at least 1000 dollars this company is also a company based in Bangalore, India.


VSynergize is approved by more than 150 large organizations around the world, and they also get projects worth at least $1000. And this company is also a company based in Pune Maharashtra of India.


Salesify is approved by over 100 large organizations around the world, and they also get projects worth at least $500. And this company is also a company based in Pune Maharashtra of India. And more than 200 people work in his company.


All these companies are the top ten lead generation companies in India, that is, all the big business or big companies in India and whose marketing services and marketing agencies use lead generation service, the work of providing lead generation service to all of them. Made by great companies.

Lead Generation Company

The usefulness of a lead generation company is a widespread reality these days. And to verify this truth, day to day use of lead generation service by marketing company verify that lead generation companies are mainstream companies today, who work with different types of people along with their business. It also works to take the business to heights.

In this, the name of an important lead generation company is Edigibrands. Edigibrandscompany is a leading technology company in the field of lead generation today, which works to provide lead generation service in big companies. Below we have told you some such things about Edigibrands that you need to know.

We as a lead generation company 

As a Lead Generation Company, we have been working for the last 5 years to take our service to all the people across India. We have told you almost everything above about lead generation, and we have also told you what lead generation is.

If you have started or are thinking of doing a business, whose growth depends on the people, that is, it depends on the general public. So it is the job of this leading company to support the general public. And this lead generation company which is known as Edigibrands is capable of doing this work in a very meaningful way.

Edigibrands can provide the marketing branch of any company by providing a list of potential customers, with the help of which they can reach their business or their product or their brand to different types of people. And at the same time convert those potential customers into regular customers as well.

Edigibrands has helped over 50 companies in their growth to date, and we are glad to know that now every 50 plus company has been a part of their growth journey in just the last 5 years. And this journey has been very golden for us.

We want to travel this golden journey with you as well, and that is why you must hire Edigibrands to take your business module to newer heights. Edigibrands has helped more than 100 companies in total, directly and indirectly, but by providing only marketing services with a certain lead, we have tried to help over 50 companies grow.


In the last 5 years, we have brought our company to a good level, and we know that to take any company to a height, people’s support is necessary. And that’s what we do with the different types of people who need to get their business or their brand out to the people, and with the people that need them the most.



In this article, we have provided you with the basic concept of Lead generation and explained the need for Lead Generation Companies. If you are considering taking advantage of Lead generation, then we are pretty happy to help you in this matter. Please contact us immediately.


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Amol Tolbande, Edigibrands